Laude Gestion & Consultancy +34 637 548 085 Call Now! for a FREE Consultation


Notary services, Apostille certification, Power of Attorney, transfer of property, change of address, wills and inheritance.


There are a few things we need to address when thinking or deciding to live in Spain.
UK procedures are very different and it is very important that you appreciate the law in Spain because if you take it for granted or try to ignore the rules it is easy to incur fines when they can be easily avoided by talking to the right people who can help.
Asking the right questions and processing the answers can be very confusing and that is why so many expats can come unstuck by not taking responsibility about the future.
Being able to understand the law is crucial due to the many aspects it can have, and this can influence you when applying for Residency, obtaining a NIE number, registering on the Padron at your local town hall, being self employed or even things related to licencing and vehicles.

our info


+34 637 548 085



C/Real 2 
Mollina, Málaga, Spain 29532


9pm -7pm

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